China's Zhou makes first maximum snooker break at Indian Open

Source: Xinhua| 2019-03-01 19:11:35|Editor: huaxia
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LONDON, March 1 (Xinhua) -- China's Zhou Yuelong made his first official maximum break during his match against compatriot Lyu Haotian at the Indian Open in Kochi, World Snooker said on Friday.

World number 34 Zhou made the perfect break in Thursday's match in the fourth frame to make the score 2-2. It's the first 147 made at the Indian Open, which has been running since 2013.

The maximum will be worth 10,000 pounds (13,200 US dollars) from the rolling prize for 147s plus the tournament 2,000 pounds (2,640 US dollars) high break prize if it is not equalled this week.

It's the 150th official maximum in history and 11th of the season. Zhou, age 21, becomes the fourth Chinese player to enter the 147 club, after Ding Junhui, Liang Wenbo and Cao Yupeng. Enditem